Monday, July 5, 2010

The Wonderful world of Chemistry.

By: Henry Khor

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We often hear our teacher says " Never add water to acid, instead, add acid to water if you want to dilute it. We are told that it will explode because of exothermic reaction. Exothermic means the substance gains heat and the heat is gained very quickly and hot. The test tube or beaker will explode because there is sudden expansion which glass can not resist. Have a look on the video below. This is an experiment carried out to prove exothermic reaction.

(Adding acid into potasium permanganate)

It caused it to gain heat and then caught flame. Imagine how fast it gain heat until flame is produced.

Next, never ever try this at home or you may cost you your house haha.

Continue my posts in the next post ^^

Written by,
Henry Khor, 4 Alpha.

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