Monday, July 5, 2010

~World of Biology~

By Henry Khor
(Lantana Camara sp.)

Alright, my topic for this post is Biology then, I want to share this especially among our form 3 friends. I hope, through these, you guys can really score this chapter. This is a simple example though.
(Take a look from the flower above. This is the original picture for my explanation. Click on it if it is too small for you.)

(then, take a look at this. Labeled part A and part B.

Alright, basically, you guys may know what i am about to share is Pollination. Credits to our Perfect Science teacher, Madam Ros for her knowledge. It was wonderful learning science.

Alright. Part A.

Part A is the Female part of the flower, known as pistil.

See the red circle. That is the pistil for the plant. You see 3 small 'pearls' on a style. They are called the stigma. Down the stigma, is the style and the ovary. Inside the ovary is the ovule, the small gametes to produce new seeds.

The pollen will travel through wind, insect, or water to reach the stigma, then slowly it enters the style den into the ovary. The fun fact here is that the pollen will enter from the bottom of the ovary which means, it travel the ovary from the side and finally enters from the bottom and the ovules are fertilized.

OK, Part B, the male part of the flower. Known as Stamen. The stamen consist of 2 parts which is known as Antlers and Filament. As you can see the picture, the yellow part of the flower is mainly the pollen. The pollen is held on the Antler. Well, for the male part, it is easy though.

There are 2 kinds of pollination, Self pollination and cross pollination. Cross pollination can result in variation of colours of plants. Take a look at the picture below. There many colour of the same species of plant.

Take a close look. There are variation of colours of the 'cap' of the flower, some in ligh blue and some in dark blue.

Some of them are even in purple colour. This is proven that this plant had undergo cross pollination. Interesting huh?

The study of Biology and Science greatly contribute to our daily life.
Thank you for viewing and i hope that you guys remember this well. Do well in your exams.

Henry Khor
4 Alpha

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